
Sunday, July 22, 2012

OK guys, this week you get the treat of beholding two posts from me on the same day. This is happening for a VERY good reason...procrastination. Wait, did I say good reason? Well maybe not so much but these Summer classes are kickin my ever-lovin' tuchus!

So for this update, I'd like to focus on a band that changed my entire musical life. When my best friend introduced me to their music around 95, the axis of my tastes shifted completely. Up until that point, my focus was a little hazy. I was into hair metal pretty heavily in the late 80's/early 90's, and like the rest of my peers, a grunge phase after that. By this time, alternative was taking hold but on a magical night driving to Manhattan for a band rehearsal, I beheld Spilt Milk, by the band Jellyfish.

Put yourself into my musical shoes at that point in time: a life dominated by the likes of Motley Crue, Metallica, and Pearl Jam, and suddenly hearing this:

Now I know any particular music isn't for everyone, but how could this not be? It's like the mutant love child of Queen, The Beatles, The Beach Boys, ELO, Supertramp, and Cheap Trick. I was enraptured by the amazing harmonies, melodies, arrangements, wide assortment of instrumentation, lyrics, just everything. When I got home I sought out everything they'd done and found out that they looked like this:

So anyways, I went through a big phase of being completely obsessed with them and any other band that sounded at all like them. They changed my writing style, my philosophies on stage singing and persona, and so much more. They were short lived but incredibly influential. Get their music and let it affect you too! Heres one last video of them playing live. Insane!


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